Sunday, October 8, 2017

10 Ways to Create Your Decorating Blueprint

blueprint home decoration idea Final result

10 Ways to Create Your Decorating Blueprint. - It’s time for mapping out your blueprint for your decorating style.  Life style foldouts are a great way to begin.  They show numerous was to tackle any decorating decision.  Foldouts are effective because they help complement your style with the house you have.  Here are 10 things to consider which will give you exercises and strategies that may be helpful to you.

blueprint home decoration idea First impression

  1. Start sketching.
    Even if it is a rough sketch, it can help you visualize what you want.  It is also a great tool to use when trying to explain your ideas to someone else.  If you prefer to have a photo of the area you are working on, copy the photo onto paper so that you are able to sketch on it.  This will help you to visualize how it will look.
  2. Measure and Plan.
    Floor plans drawn on graph paper will add a dose of reality.  There are also many great sites that offer graphs and furniture templates to help you with this.  Measurements simplify making choices, leaving no doubt whether it will fit.
  3. Cut Templates.
    Furniture cutouts allow you to visualize how well furniture will fit in a room.  They also allow you to move your furniture around without the back breaking work.  You can see how a chair, end table, or bed will fit and look in a room.  Cutouts answer these questions for you.
  4. Gather Color Samples.
    Fabric swatches, paint samples will help with color matching.  Include one set in your foldout and carry a second set while you are shopping.
  5. Clip Tear Sheets.
    Using tear sheets from a magazine or catalog will help tremendously when you are trying to convey your decorating idea to someone.
  6. Detail, details, details.
    Gather photos of details that inspire you.  Details are the things that will define your personal style.  They should be considered along with paint and fabrics.
  7. Budget.
    The nasty little word that everyone hates.  If your project is running over several months or even several weeks, it will be difficult to remember every detail, price or where it came from.  Keep a budget sheet in your decorating notebook.  If you have a memory like I do, you will want to keep notes of where the item came from or the price, especially if you are shopping on the internet.  You definitely want to keep the website info along with the pricing info.
  8. To Do Lists.
    Have your notes serve as your to-do list for your project.  Don’t discount questions or concerns that you may have.  Acknowledging your misgivings should lead you to do more research.
  9. Bring Ideas Together To Create Your Look.
    Now is the time for you merge all of those things that you have been collecting.  For example, combine furniture, lamps, end tables, accessories in the living area of your style foldout.
  10. Have your style foldouts readily available.
    Now your foldouts should be where they will be handy and easy to see.  Pin them to a bulletin board or keep them handy on a desk.  Refer to them regularly so that your ideas will be etched in your memory and it will be easier to spot the perfect elements when you are shopping.

blueprint home decoration idea process

blueprint home decoration idea next process

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